Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fruits and Veggies..Eat 'em!

Do you like fruits? How about vegetables?

I know most people love certain times of fruits and love eating them all the time. My favorite is the kiwi! So small yet so tasty.

Now, if you ate lots of fruits and vegetables and started cutting off other foods you could very well start how to lose weight fast!

The reason fruits taste so darn good is because they have sugars in them. But the difference between these sugars and sugars in other foods like donuts, candies, and other junk foods is that this sugar is pure and natural. It isn't the result of a processing system that removes all the benefitial nutrients and leaves only sugar. Sugar is a part of the fruit and this also includes fiber which regulates how fast you absorb the sugar. As a result, the entire food is a much better source for carbohydrates than, say, a candy bar.

The key is to start eating more and more of them! For example, in your daily meals start adding a serving of vegetables to them. Add a salad.

I recommend that instead of snacking on junk food snack on fruits! It isn't going to kill you and switching from junky snacks to healthy snacks is a great first step!

Check out my other post on water for weight loss!

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