Sunday, August 7, 2011

Stop Dieting for Weeks and Start Seeing Results: How to Lose Weight Quickly

It is crazy how some people can diet for months and not be able to see results. Even if the scale is dropping the numbers you may not look like you are dropping the pounds. If you want to learn how to lose weight quickly and see results you need to follow these tips!

1. Do not eat processed foods. This is the food that has a lot of sugars, are high in gluten, have unnatural preservatives, and other unfamiliar ingredients. This is bad because all manner of chemicals are in these ingredients and end up being a toxin to your body and turning into fat. This just gives you more calories to burn and make your results not noticeable.

2. How to lose weight quickly is not always easy. You really should not have any cheat days for your short dieting period. To make sure no sweets or foods that can be cheats are being put into your body. So hide, lock up, throw away, or just give away all the unhealthy foods in your kitchen. It will guarantee you that you will not be cheating or even have any temptations.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

How Can I Lose Weight Fast this Week

This week I want to lose weight. What I have to do is find out my body type. What foods does my body have difficulty digesting. What diet supplements might my body reject or respond negatively to? What kind of exercises should I do and for how long? 

Twice a day maybe?  

Want to learn how to lose weight fast? Once you answer all of those questions you will have already set a time period and now you have a plan to how you will achieve your goal. It helps to get things done, not only diets, but when you write it down. So you should write down what you eat, what you do to exercise and how many cups of water you have each day. Then it will be easier to see what you did wrong if you did not lose as much weight as you expected. Or see what you did right so you can follow that diet again.

Why You Need a Healthy Diet Plan
If you are wondering why you need a healthy diet plan in your life you are wondering why you need to be healthy. The answer is simple, because you want to live a happy, long life. 

When dieting on diets that are not a healthy diet plan you may lose weight too quickly and become sick all of the time because of all the carbohydrates you are losing that your body needs to function properly. 

On the other hand, if you are obese and do not diet it could be dangerous. You can get diabetes or high cholesterol or other life threatening illnesses. But on a healthy diet plan you lose weight, and you keep it off. Is that not the ultimate goal? To change your body permanently. So you will not have to keep doing crazy diets every time you gain back the weight? Well a healthy diet plan is a lifestyle change that guarantees you will keep the weight off for the rest of your life!

What’s Best Way to Lose Belly Fat
If you are looking for the best way to lose belly fat look no further. You need to follow this diet. This diet is proven to work. It is the only easy and best way to lose belly fat you will find. 

You just need to stay away from all the expensive work out equipment that you will not know how to use or will get hurt using or will go into debt to use and it will not even work. No. Instead, what you need to do is start yourself on a diet. 

This diet needs to be a metabolism boosting diet. How do you boost your metabolism? Well the key is to trick your metabolism. How do you trick your metabolism? 

You diet hard and then have a “day off.” Yes a day off of the diet. This will boost it into overdrive and get your body burning fat faster.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Junk Food is Bad

As you probably know already, eating junk food is not good for you. It is bad for your health as well as your waist line. But why do so many people love it?

I have a theory. It is that the biggest addiction in America is food. People are addicted to junk foods that are high in sugar, fats, and other unhealthy processed ingredients. And the reason is simple. Large food corporations have saturated how much sugar and greasy fats are in foods. And this stuff is great for peoples taste buds. It's what people crave!

Then we wonder why people have such a hard time following weight loss tips!

The problem is that these junk foods are also the cheapest out there. They're way cheaper than healthy foods. So, when people are trying to eat healthier they don't even know what healthy is. They go for granola bars and "wheat chips" not realizing that their choices are still, for the most part, unhealthy.

For example, wheat does not mean healthy. Whole grain means healthy. Wheat is just wheat products that are stripped of their fiber and nutrients. And added with salt and fats.

Instead start cutting down on these junk foods and eat more fruits and veggies for weight loss!

Fruits and Veggies..Eat 'em!

Do you like fruits? How about vegetables?

I know most people love certain times of fruits and love eating them all the time. My favorite is the kiwi! So small yet so tasty.

Now, if you ate lots of fruits and vegetables and started cutting off other foods you could very well start how to lose weight fast!

The reason fruits taste so darn good is because they have sugars in them. But the difference between these sugars and sugars in other foods like donuts, candies, and other junk foods is that this sugar is pure and natural. It isn't the result of a processing system that removes all the benefitial nutrients and leaves only sugar. Sugar is a part of the fruit and this also includes fiber which regulates how fast you absorb the sugar. As a result, the entire food is a much better source for carbohydrates than, say, a candy bar.

The key is to start eating more and more of them! For example, in your daily meals start adding a serving of vegetables to them. Add a salad.

I recommend that instead of snacking on junk food snack on fruits! It isn't going to kill you and switching from junky snacks to healthy snacks is a great first step!

Check out my other post on water for weight loss!

Drink Water, Lose Weight

Water for Weight LOss
This article is going to show you the TRUTH about water and weight loss.

Yes, I'm sure you've read those articles that give you ten tips for weight loss and one of them includes drinking water for weight loss. We've all read these. But is it actually true? And how effective is it?

Truth of the matter is that water is very helpful for your overall health. Quite obvious. Water helps keep you hydrated as well as provides the needed materials for every cell in your body. BUT, it isn't going to help you los weight. It will help you stay healthy and without plenty of water you may have a harder time.

The reason water is needed is more of a prerequisite for weight loss. You see, if you aren't drinking ample water during a diet or exercise program you are going to suffer. It's going to get a lot harder for you to stay motivated. Your energy levels will probably fall off and you'll have a hard time keeping up.

Water will help prevent this. But it won't magically take fat away from your body. To do that you need to check out my post on weight loss diets.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Weight Loss vs Fat Loss

Weight Loss V.S. Fat Loss
When people feel overweight or out of shape the first thing that comes to mind is the need to lose weight. Weight loss is highly publicized and used frequently by many people when attempting to get slimmer. What is weight loss?

Weight loss is losing body weight. That is simply what it is. It can be weight loss from water, fat, muscle, excreted feces, or a mix of all of them. Obviously, the main goal of weight loss is to lose fat. Fat loss is what everybody wants but is not what everybody first thinks. Here’s the typical person’s thought: “I’m fat…I need to lose weight.” Rather than thinking that they need to lose fat they state that they need to lose weight.

Although weight loss is good, losing muscle will not be beneficial in any way. One needs to be VERY careful in starting any plan that promises “weight loss”, especially guaranteed results fast. Those programs can and will hold to their promise at the expense of healthy muscle. Muscle is a very important element in losing weight and staying healthy. You don’t want to lose any! There are also comfort zones in weight loss.

Another cheap tactic marketers use for weight loss is the promises of quick pound reduction. Diets, such as the “master cleanse” are known to make one lose an immense amount of weight. Most of the weight is gained back very quickly once the individual returns back to normal eating. Cleansing diets are effective in causing weight loss but the primary purpose of cleanses is to cleanse! Losing weight on those diets is not the focus and will only be temporary.

Losing fat should be the top priority in any person’s mind who wants to lose weight. Fat loss will not only make one healthier but their results will look better. Losing 20 pounds of muscle will make you saggy and lose. Losing 20 pounds of fat will make you look firmer, leaner, and much healthier. I don’t know about you but I rather lose the fat and take a little longer than lose 20 pounds of muscle and look like my great grandfather.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Comfort Zones in Weight Loss

When it comes to life there are always comfort zones. There also are always the same people that stay in their zones and minorities who wander out of their zones further expanding their zones. Which person are you?
Does your comfort zone have anything to do with health and fitness? Absolutely! If you can’t give a diet a chance then you’re hiding behind your own current diet which may or not be damaging you. 

Many people do not like the idea of counting calories. It gives the notion that you’ll have to count everything you eat and you’ll end up eating like a robot. Although this can be true at first, when you adjust to it, it is really easy. I, for example, have become so accustom to counting calories and looking at labels that I know how many calories there are in general foods. Of course, if there are some specific foods that are loaded with some “secret” ingredient it may have more calories than I estimate. However, I probably wouldn’t be eating something that I knew was filled with calorie dense ingredients. 

Changing lifestyle habits may seem hard but they will benefit you in the long term. Imagine implementing one healthy habit every week. In a year how much healthier do you think you’ll be? Simply by venturing out of your comfort zone a week at a time you can be living an extremely healthy life! 

Many people refuse to continue with diets or don’t even start diets at all because of comfort zones for weight loss diets. They have vivid memories of their past when they could eat anything they wanted to eat. They could go have fast foods, get groceries at the local gas station, etc. Returning back to old comfort zones and staying there is simply being a coward! I have had many times when I thought of simply going back to eating whatever I felt like. However, I didn’t and I have grown as a result. 

Controlling your internal desires for things that are not good for you is very important. Not just in weight loss but in everything in life. It’s strange but the more I look at it the more I begin to realize that the ability to lose weight has a lot to do with the ability to live life. Some people work hard and reap the benefits while others settle for what they got and move on day by day wishing for some magic pill to come around and take away their problems.For more tips check out a system on how to lose weight fast for free.